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Take Note, This Position Young Pregnant Woman Sleep Safe And Reason

The first trimester of pregnancy or early pregnancy is often called, have brought changes in the body that trigger discomfort, including during sleep. Important to know young pregnant women sleeping position is safe and convenient to support a healthy pregnancy.

Good night's sleep can be a challenge for pregnant women. Usually, a comfortable sleeping position, are no longer felt. Do not worry, there are some sleeping position can help pregnant women to obtain quality sleep time.

Learning Sleep Position

Pregnant women sleeping position recommended is tilted to the left. This position may increase the amount of blood and nutrients to the placenta and fetus. For a more comfortable position, bend your legs and knees and place a pillow between your legs. You can also place a pillow on the back.

Young pregnant women sleeping position that leads to the side is also very appropriate if pregnant women experience back pain. For those of you who experience shortness of breath during pregnancy mud a, can choose to sleep on his side or sleep with his back propped pillows.

Half Sitting Position

In addition, the sleep position with the head and upper back propped pillows will greatly help pregnant women have heartburn that bother. Heartburn experienced by pregnant women are generally triggered by the hormone progesterone, which relaxes the muscle between the stomach and esophagus (esophagus) so that stomach acid and food can be turned back into the esophagus. In addition, pregnant women are also advised to eat dinner early, and eating slowly.

If discomfort during sleep caused by changes in the breast, pregnant women can work around this using a special pregnancy bra or sports bra that fits in the chest. Pregnant women can embrace big cushion to help protect sensitive breast.

If discomfort in the breast disturb sleep time until a protracted, consult your doctor about acetaminophen medications that can help relieve pain.

Sleep positions that are Worth Avoiding

Lying is one of the sleeping positions is not recommended in pregnant women. The position will only make the major blood vessels burdened so that it makes the heart work harder. However, if you woke up in a state of supine sleeping should not worry. Change positions during sleep is a natural and unavoidable.

In addition, sleep supine in pregnant women can also lead to muscle pain, hemorrhoids, and swelling of the body. Supine sleep can also make young pregnant women dizziness while trying to sit or stand. That is no less disturbing is the position of sleep can lead to pregnant women snore.

Young pregnant women are also advised to avoid sleeping on his stomach during pregnancy. Therefore, the abdomen experienced various changes and will certainly be more difficult to sleep in this position.

It is important to pay attention to the sleeping position of young pregnant women in order to obtain quality sleep. If necessary, consult your doctor for the best advice.

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