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Lactation Management Apply To Ensure Smooth Breastfeeding

As a source of the best nutrition for infants, breastfeeding (breast milk) should be done through the implementation of lactation management to run with the ideal. Lactation management is associated with the initial preparation to the implementation of breastfeeding in infants.

Breastfeeding is a special experience for a mother with a baby. These moments can be used as a medium of rodents bond between the two. In addition, breastfeeding can provide special nutrients that can only be given by the mother. Not just for babies, the health benefits can also be obtained by Mother too.

With all these reasons, it is clear that the implementation of lactation management is very important, not only after the birth, but the advantages of breastfeeding governance are also already be obtained from the mother before the baby's birth.

Breastfeeding Preparation Since Pregnancy

Since the beginning of pregnancy, signs of the lactation management implementation has been started naturally. Characteristics are enlarged breasts, as well as parts, become darker areola and nipple become erect. Colostrum produced since the start of the fourth month until the production of milk and milk-ejection has arranged naturally to wait until the time of delivery and the placenta is delivered.

If a baby is born prematurely, breast milk contains fat will be higher in order to balance the needs of babies who are born with the condition requires more nutrients than normal. The mother's body would be formed by itself to adjust the feeding process later, including hormones. The presence of the hormone prolactin and oxytocin plays a role in preparing for lactation. Prolactin is responsible for producing milk, while oxytocin releases the milk. Both hormones are involved in making her mother stay calm, relaxed, and ready to take care of and feeding the baby.

When -when Started Breastfeeding

The next stage in lactation management is initiating breastfeeding. Lactation process can already be directly carried out a few minutes after birth. Mother's milk is the first one out is called colostrum, which gives the best nutrition for newborns. Amazingly, stimulation of the nipples during breastfeeding can help the uterus to contract and help stop the bleeding of the uterus.

It is important when you start breastfeeding is to train the baby to the breast could appropriately. This process can sometimes make you and the baby in frustration. But in order to run smoothly, first of all, create a more relaxed atmosphere to ensure our position in a comfortable place. After that, put the baby on the breast so the baby's skin stick to your skin. Enjoy a moment of togetherness. A few moments later, when the baby has been comfortable, then the first time the process of breastfeeding can begin.

It should be noted that in this lactation management, let your baby take the initiative to suckle at the breast. If the baby is not hungry, then naturally he will remain sleeping on your chest. His behavior will look different when the baby was hungry because he would wiggle his head. When the baby opened his eyes and put his fist in the mouth is a great time giving milk.

To help your baby, support the head and shoulders as breast-seeking you. However, avoid steering the baby to suckle. When the baby's chin is touching the breast, the natural gut feeling will make the baby opened his mouth and reach your nipple. Thus, the baby can get the right milk.

What to Looks at Breastfeeding

Once your baby can get your milk, there are a few things to note for lactation management continues to run smoothly, that is:

  • It is advisable to feed at least 8-12 times in 24 hours. In addition to the baby's needs, this frequency is effective in maintaining milk production continues to increase. Within a few days after birth, the baby will suckle on your breast every 1-2 hours during the day and a few times at night. On average in the breastfeeding process, it takes about 15-20 minutes for each breast, although it can be shorter or longer on each mother. In the end, the baby will give a sign when he was satisfied.

  • Understand also signs of whether your baby has got enough milk. If adequate milk intake, in addition to urine, will be a clear yellow baby, your breasts will feel softer after feeding, so does your baby seems satisfied and happy after feedings. In addition, note also the weight gain. A healthy baby's weight tends to increase around 18-28 grams per day during the first three months of age.

  • Some foods are considered to trigger adverse reactions in infants, namely chocolate, spices, citrus, cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli. However, not all babies have the same reaction. For the mother, as suggested by health experts baby, limit your consumption of foods and caffeinated and alcoholic beverages during breastfeeding. Better yet, avoid the consumption of alcoholic beverages in anticipation of the entry of alcohol into breast milk.

  • Beware of some problems while breastfeeding, such as breast pain, nipple wounded, clogging milk, mastitis and breast abscesses. Each mother is advised to consult the gynecologist so that the risk of disease can be treated early.

  • Although when you're sick, breastfeeding can still be done. But if you got the flu, including bird flu, avoid being near the baby for a while so that the baby is not infected with the flu, and you can focus more on recuperating. Meanwhile, if you are exposed to the disease that requires special treatment, such as radiation therapy, treatment with anti-anxiety drug and antimigraine, consult a physician to determine whether it can affect a danger to the baby directly or indirectly.

If you encounter any problems in the delivery of milk to the baby, you should contact a lactation consultant or a doctor in order to obtain further guidance on lactation management is appropriate and effective.

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