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Understanding Vitiligo

Vitiligo is a disease that causes the formation of white patches on the skin. The disease can occur at any age, but usually before sufferers aged 20 years.

The development of vitiligo is difficult to predict because it is generally different for each patient. Some women experience spotting deployment fast and some are slow. Most sufferers depigmented skin slowly on almost the entire surface of the skin.

Symptoms and Development Vitiligo

This long-term illness can affect all body skin. Some parts of the body susceptible to vitiligo is the surface most often exposed to the sun such as the hands, feet, face, lips, and neck. Vitiligo also can attack the roots of the hair and cause the growth of gray hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, and beard.

If you suffer from this disease, the primary symptoms of which the most prominent is the emergence of patches are initially colored younger than normal skin and then turns white. Patches are usually permanent and more susceptible to sunburn. Though not cause irritation or rashes, blotches are sometimes itchy.

Vitiligo is also divided into two categories, namely thorough vitiligo which attack both sides of the body and vitiligo affects only certain parts or one side of the body. The most common type is vitiligo thoroughly with the number of people estimated to be around 90 percent.

Contact your doctor immediately if you experience abnormal changes in skin color, hair, or eyes. Proper treatment at an early stage may hinder the development of this condition.

Vitiligo Causes and Risk Factors

Although not contagious and is not life-threatening, the disease can affect the appearance and self-confidence infected.

Vitiligo occurs when the skin does not produce melanin adequately. Melanin is a substance that determines skin color and protects the skin from the damaging effects of sunlight.

The cause behind the lack of melanin is not known with certainty. But experts suspect the disease is associated with several risk factors.

  • Heredity. About 1 in 5 people with vitiligo has a family member with the same disease.

  • Suffering from autoimmune diseases, for example, hyperthyroidism , diabetes or Addison's disease.

  • Stress.

  • Damaged skin, such as sunburn.

  • Exposure to certain chemical compounds.

Process Diagnosis Vitiligo

Diagnosis of the disease is generally through a physical examination by a physician. If you suspect you are suffering from vitiligo, the doctor will ask you and your family health history, as well as the duration of vitiligo symptoms you are experiencing.

To confirm the diagnosis, there was some kind of detailed examination that would normally be recommended. One of them is the examination of the skin using ultraviolet light. This test serves to delete the possibility of other skin diseases such as dermatitis.

Blood tests may be advisable to examine the possibility of other autoimmune conditions, such as diabetes or Addison's disease. Blood tests can also be used to evaluate the function of the thyroid gland in order to examine the possibility of hyperthyroidism.

Step Treatment Vitiligo

The main treatment steps that you can do is to maximize the protection of the skin from the sun. Although incurable, the right treatment can slow the progression of vitiligo sufferers and improve skin appearance.

The skin of people with vitiligo shortage compound melanin, which protects the skin from ultraviolet rays. Therefore, use a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more that are not easily burned by the sun and protected from damage.

You can also use the cream 'camouflage' skin to cope. Waterproof cream serves to disguise patches of vitiligo. Another alternative is cosmetic products such as lotions embezzlers skin color or better known as tanning lotion.

In addition to protecting the skin and disguise spots, vitiligo can be treated with medical steps.

Step medical treatment generally has side effects that can affect your health. Therefore, physicians tend to recommend that treatment of vitiligo with body care products and cosmetics to the maximum before deciding on other mitigation measures.

Undergo medical treatment also requires patience because it takes a long time before you feel its effectiveness.


Some types of topical medication used to treat vitiligo are corticosteroids, pimecrolimus or tacrolimus, and lotions depigmentation.

Corticosteroid cream or ointment recommended by doctors for people with vitiligo who only has spots on a small portion of his body. This ointment is not for use on the face. People with vitiligo who are pregnant should avoid this drug.

Corticosteroids have significant side effects, such as skin thinning so that the blood vessels visible and appear streaks on the skin ( stretch marks ). Therefore, these drugs are not generally used as a long-term treatment and doctors will monitor the condition of patients with regularly while using this medicine.

Another topical medication that can be an alternative is pimecrolimus or tacrolimus. Both are drugs commonly used to treat eczema. Some side effects that may occur as a result of these drugs among the skin becomes more sensitive to sunlight, appears a burning sensation or pain, and facial flushing and skin irritation when you consume liquor.

If suffering from vitiligo with white patches in most of the body, you can undergo depigmentation. This process is performed by applying a lotion that will fade normal skin pigment so the color is similar to patches of vitiligo. Topical medication used is a lotion containing hydroquinone to prevent the return of the skin pigment.

Unfortunately, depigmentation of skin that you live will be permanent so that your skin does not have a natural protection from the sun again. In addition, hydroquinone also potentially cause a skin itching, burning, and redness.

An analog of vitamin D

The use of these drugs can be combined with corticosteroids or phototherapy. An example is calcipotriol.

Light therapy (phototherapy)

The medical measures will be selected if the patches of vitiligo patients with widespread or can not be treated with topical medication. This therapy uses ultraviolet light (UV) A or B to restore the color of the skin is attacked vitiligo. The side effects of this therapy are the increased risk of skin cancer.

laser therapy

Just as phototherapy, this procedure aims to restore skin color in patches of vitiligo, but it is only effective for vitiligo which attacks the skin a small portion of the body.

Skin graft surgery

In this procedure, healthy skin from the body that did not have vitiligo will be taken and used to coat the skin that has patches of vitiligo. This operation can be done if the patches of vitiligo you just attack a small portion of the body and do not progress.

If left untreated, vitiligo will continue to evolve and sometimes lead to some complications, for example:

  • Melanin deficiency will cause skin vulnerable to the effects of sunlight so flammable and heightens the risk of skin cancer.

  • Deficiency of pigment in the eye can cause inflammation in the iris.

  • The decline in hearing ability. This condition usually occurs in the case of vitiligo that is hereditary. Melanin plays a role in the function and structure of the inner ear. It is estimated that about 15 percent of people with vitiligo under the age of 40 experience this complication.

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