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Earn Benefits Tuna Beromega 3 Since The Content Of

In one serving of tuna (about 6 tablespoons), can be stored in omega 3 to as much as 300 milligrams. Benefits tuna beromega 3 can be felt even before we were born.

In 100 grams of tuna, embodied the energy of 200 kcal, 8 grams fat, 29 grams protein, vitamin D, choline, vitamin A, phosphorus, iron, zinc, magnesium, and potassium.Moreover, tuna is also a source of omega 3 fatty acids are good.

Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid that the body needs to function properly. Omega-3 fatty acids in tuna fish have anti-inflammatory effects that can lower blood pressure and triglyceride levels, reduce blood clotting and irregular heartbeat, as well as lower the risk of stroke and heart failure.

In fact, eating at least one or two servings of fish rich in omega 3 such as tuna in a week allegedly able to reduce the risk of heart disease, particularly sudden death from a sudden heart attack.

Omega 3 To Fetus and Children

In addition, the benefits of tuna fish with omega 3 is also good and important for the health and development of children, even before they were born or still in the womb.
Here are some of the benefits of omega 3 for fetuses and children.

Reducing the risk of preterm birth

According to one study in 2003, eating eggs enriched with omega 3 suspected to reduce the risk of preterm birth in women.

infant growth

There is some evidence that shows if adding omega-3 to the milk formula can boost growth and brain development in babies born prematurely.

Reducing the risk of asthma

A study in 2008 revealed that taking fish oil during pregnancy can reduce the risk of asthma in children if they are teenagers later.

cognitive development

There is research that suggests if taking supplements of omega-3 (DHA and EPA), throughout pregnancy and early lactation, can make the baby has cognitive test scores were higher in the age of 4 years compared with children whose mothers did not take the supplement. In addition, some research also shows that giving formula milk enriched with omega-3 fatty acids were able to improve hand-eye coordination, attention span, social skills, and intelligence test scores in children.


But keep in mind, if the intake of tuna for pregnant women should be limited. Why?This is because the tuna fish contain more mercury than other fish species. The amount of mercury that we can of food is not harmful to most people, but it is different if we are pregnant. Number of high levels of mercury during pregnancy can affect the baby's developing the nervous system.

Therefore, pregnant women are only allowed to consume steak tuna twice a week.Weight tuna must be calculated, ie 170 grams or 140 grams when raw when ripe. Or, if you want to eat canned tuna, should be limited to four medium sizes in a week. And do not ever eat raw tuna during pregnancy because it can cause food poisoning.

For pregnant women who want to take advantage of tuna beromega 3, it is advisable to first consult with a physician before entering the menu of tuna in your diet.

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