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4 Problem Skin Often Occurs When Pregnant And How To Overcome It

Pregnancy can make women experience changes in terms of physical and mental.Well , in terms of physical changes that can be seen and you feel clear that is happening in your skin.

Skin problems that occur during pregnancy due to the change in hormone levels and circulation in the body. In addition, the performance of the immune system to keep the body from the negative things do not run as usual. The following 4 skin problems that often arise during pregnancy:

Black spot on the face. This condition is one sign that you are pregnant. There are some parts of the skin that can be blackened like the forehead, cheek or on the lips.While pregnant, in the area may appear black patches or mask of pregnancy due to increased pigmentation.

It can be prevented by applying a sunscreen with at least SPF 15 when you want to leave the house. You can also add extra protection by wearing a hat or umbrella.However, you are advised to not be exposed to more sun exposure during pregnancy, because at this time your skin is very sensitive and such exposure can increase your risk of experiencing pregnancy mask.

Around the dark skin and darker than usual. Areas that can be blackened usual like nipples, inner thighs, sex organs, or moles. Menghitamnya these areas can not be prevented.

Stretch marks . This condition is characterized by the appearance of reddish streaks on the abdomen, breasts, upper arms, thighs, or buttocks. This happens because during pregnancy the skin can stretch wider and faster than usual. The protein content of the skin is not balanced, making the skin becomes thinner. Almost all pregnant women develop stretch marks .

Although not medically proven, applying a lotion containing vitamin E and alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) may help prevent the appearance of stretch marks. Exercise is also often said to be able to prevent this condition.

Acne. High levels of hormones during pregnancy could trigger oil glands produce more oil than usual. This can cause the appearance of acne. If previously you already have acne, this condition will be worse during pregnancy.

To prevent that happening, always keep the skin clean face. Just wash your face twice a day, morning and evening wear fragrance-free facial soap, to prevent nausea. Do not wash your face more than twice a day, because that can make your skin dry.

Furthermore, you can apply astringent . However, avoid wearing astringent intended to treat acne, because they may contain substances that are not safe for pregnant women.

Oia , always use products meant for oily skin or labeled oil-free.

Varicose veins. This condition occurs because the body is adjusting to supply the extra blood flow to the baby. Varicose veins are characterized by the appearance of bluish streaks that usually appear on the legs.

Besides being unsightly, varicose veins can also make you uncomfortable and sometimes painful.

Well , you can prevent this from happening or reduce the symptoms that arise as a result of varicose veins. Here are some things you can do:

  • Use support stockings or compression stockings.

  • Avoid standing for too long. However, do not also sit for a long time.

  • Sitting with legs raised beyond the head. Hold this position for 30 minutes each day.

  • Walk as much as you can, because it can help the blood back to the heart.

  • Avoid excessive weight gain.

  • Meet the vitamin C you need in order to keep blood vessels elastic and healthy.

Problems on the skin above might make you stressful, especially if you already take precautions but still, you experience it. Already do not feel inferior or feel beautiful, because this condition often improves about three months after giving birth, why !

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