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Understanding Allergies Eggs

Egg allergy is one type of unusual reactions of the immune system to certain foods, in this case, the eggs. Allergic reactions produced can range from mild to potentially deadly (anaphylaxis). Egg allergy can appear since infancy and generally disappear before they reach adolescence.

Egg allergy is one type of allergy that is commonly found in children, after a cow's milk allergy. Symptoms can appear momentarily until a few hours after eating eggs or foods containing eggs. Allergy to egg white is most common when compared to the egg yolks.

Allergens Eggs

Egg allergies occur because the immune system considers egg proteins as harmful substances to the body so that the antibodies the body responds by releasing histamine and other chemical compounds. The response of the body that causes allergic symptoms, such as rashes and itching.

Allergies can be derived from the protein in the egg yolk or white only, but there are also those who came from both. In other words, a person may experience allergic reactions to the proteins derived from egg yolk alone and do not problematic with egg white, or vice versa. Adults generally have allergies to egg yolks.

Babies who are breastfeeding generally have an egg allergy are derived from the milk of mothers who ate eggs. This is because the body's digestive system is not yet fully formed at the age of children and infants that cause allergic reactions often occur.

In addition to age, the greater risk of allergies also suffered by children who have one or both parents have a history of allergies. Eg, itching or eczema,  hay fever or rhinitis, as well as having parents who are allergic to eggs, or have asthma. Another risk factor is a patient  with atopic dermatitis , eczema often appears in skin folds.

Egg Allergy Symptoms

Some symptoms of egg allergies can be recognized is itching, inflammation or rash, nasal congestion or a runny nose and sneezing, stomach cramps, nausea, and vomiting, or other symptoms of indigestion. Allergic to egg whites can also cause symptoms such as pain in the stomach area and diarrhea. Allergic reactions are similar to asthma, the wheezing (difficulty breathing, causing a whistling sound resembles), coughing, chest pain, or shortness of breath may also arise due to this condition.

Mild allergic reactions that may appear in an attack and become more severe in the next allergy attack. More serious allergic reactions are anaphylaxis that can lead to death if not treated immediately. Be aware of the symptoms of anaphylaxis following,

  • Pain or cramping in the abdominal area

  • Rapid pulse

  • The narrowing of the airways, that there is a lump in the throat, or swollen throat making it hard to breathe

  • Experienced a shock that decreased blood pressure and causes dizziness or loss of consciousness.

You should immediately see a doctor when an allergic reaction occurs to facilitate the diagnostic process and prevent complications. Your doctor will prescribe an injection of epinephrine in patients at risk of anaphylaxis in order to be injected so allergic attack.

Egg Allergy Diagnosis

To facilitate the discharge diagnosis of your condition, there are some preparations that can be done prior to the doctor, namely:

  • Take note of your symptoms, and whether related to your condition directly or indirectly.

  • Should not take medications that contain antihistamines before the test because there is a possibility that the doctor will perform an allergy test.

  • Prepare a list of medications or vitamins that are being taken and questions to be conveyed.

Through the symptoms presented, the doctor will then determine whether the child is suffering from allergies and not intolerance to foods that are not related to the immune system.

After examination of the symptoms, the doctor will also check patient records and test support. Some tests in this case, among others:

  • A blood test to measure the response of the immune system against the egg through a number of antibodies present in the blood stream.

  • Putting a small amount of protein contained in egg into the patient's skin. An itchy bump will appear on the skin surface area which is used as a test if the patient is shown to have an egg allergy.

  • Providing a small number of eggs in a patient to eat and see if an allergic reaction appears. The number of eggs can be added in increments to observe allergic reactions appear.

  • Advise patients to have a diet diary full meal, then gradually eliminate eggs or other food from the list while observing the symptoms. Children who suffer from allergies are advised not to undergo a strict diet without the supervision of a dietitian.

Allergy test is a test that should only be done by a doctor or allergist. Do not try to perform an allergy test at home, especially if the patient has experienced severe allergic reactions before.

Egg Allergy Treatment

Drugs are often given to reduce symptoms of mild egg allergies is antihistamines. These drugs can be given after the patient to consume or are exposed to eggs, but not to prevent the emergence of an allergic reaction or used against severe allergic reactions.

Injections of epinephrine given to treat more serious allergic reactions or severe, ie anaphylaxis. Epinephrine addition, patients also need to be immediately taken to the hospital to make allergy symptoms completely disappeared.

Some people with an egg allergy generally still be able to tolerate some foods containing undercooked eggs, such as cake Mangan dung eggs. But there are also people who have a serious allergy to eggs, so the only way to treat allergies is to avoid eggs or products containing eggs.

However, most children who suffer from egg allergies then successfully through the stages of these allergies as they age. Discuss with your doctor about allergy test frequency that can be done to check the development of egg allergies suffered.

Egg Allergy Complications

Egg allergy is not treated immediately will lead to complications such as the development of allergic reactions from mild to more serious, until anaphylaxis, or the increase in allergies. Some types of allergic reactions or conditions that may be experienced are:

  • The skin becomes prone to allergic reactions, such as atopic dermatitis condition.

  • Allergies to other foods, such as peanuts, soybeans, and milk.

  • Allergies on the fur of pets, grass pollen, and dust.

  • Asthma ultimately led to the development of severe allergic reaction to eggs or other food.

Egg Allergy Prevention

Prevent egg allergy can begin by recognizing and paying attention as well as foods that contain eggs. The content of eggs in some foods and terms commonly encountered, among others:

  • Pudding and caramel

  • Processed meat, minced meat and meatballs

  • The food was breaded

  • Baked goods

  • The top layer of the cake, for example on a birthday cake

  • Various types of pasta, such as spaghetti, fusilli, and macaroni

  • The sauce for the salad (a mix of different types of vegetables or fruits raw or cooked)

  • Whipped cream or foam on top of alcoholic beverages or coffee

  • pretzels

  • Marshmallow

  • Mayonnaise

The term on processed foods that begin with the word "Novo" or "ova" are generally produced along with a mixture of eggs, for example, ovoglobulin or ovalbumin. The egg white has four proteins, called orosomucoid, ovalbumin, ovotransferrin, and lysozyme. Egg yolks also have some antigen that can trigger an attack of the immune response, namely livetin, phosvitin, and apo Viti lin. Other terms commonly encountered, namely lecithin, globulin, albumin, and violin.

In addition to recognizing any food that has an egg in it, be careful in choosing and buying other foods also need to start the habit. You can begin by performing the following steps:

  • More careful when eating outside the home. Ask and confirm with the waiter or chef about the ingredients in the cooking of food you want to message.

  • Read the label information on food packaging carefully. Some owners of egg allergy can react even though there is the little content of eggs on the food.

  • Avoid eating eggs for breastfeeding mothers who have children with egg allergy. As well as the food and beverages you consume, protein from eggs also can enter through breast milk should be drunk by children.

  • You can replace eggs with substitute materials commonly used to process foods, including tapioca starch, potato starch, apple sauce, and soy lecithin. Also, discuss with your doctor or nutritionist about other egg substitutes are safe for consumption.

  • Use special bracelet or necklace allergy sufferers, especially people with children with severe allergies, so that people around you can remind and help choose safe food.

  • Inform relatives and caregivers about allergies and what to do when an allergic reaction appears.

Some kind of vaccine injections also has a protein content of the egg so that the risk of triggering an allergic reaction in people with allergies, such as vaccines for the flu / influenza, measles, mumps, and rubella, and yellow fever. Some types of this vaccine have smaller amounts of egg protein so that if one is required to be given under medical supervision and after going through allergy testing.

Though other vaccines safe for people allergic to eggs, you should still discuss with your doctor the types of vaccines are safe or dangerous to use. Your doctor may perform an allergy test first before giving a vaccine to prevent allergic reactions.

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