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Gargling and Toothbrush For Oral Health

Rinsing and air-gargle proved beneficial to our oral health. By rinsing, the bad bacteria in the mouth can die. Oral health was getting better and secure.

So far, we know the word gargle, which means churning of fluid in the mouth. While gargle is churning fluid in the larynx with head backward 45 degrees, open your mouth and exhale through the mouth so that the sound of "ah" until bubbly liquid. Rinsing and air-gargle can overcome bad breath, freshen breath, relieve a toothache, prevents tooth decay, reduce plaque, prevent sore gums and teeth, and so forth. Rinsing and air-gargle can be done using water, brine or even mouthwash sold freely.

In mouthwash, usually contained various substances which are good for teeth and mouth. For example:

  • Fluoride helps reduce tooth decay and prevent cavities,

  • Antimicrobial, killing the bacteria that cause bad breath, plaque, gingivitis, gum disease,

  • Salt substances, fragrances to mask bad breath temporarily,

  • Neutralizing odors, eliminating the cause of bad breath, and

  • Bleach helps fight stains on the teeth.

In addition, there is also an antiseptic mouthwash containing povidone-iodine as much as 1 percent. According to the study, povidone-iodine antiseptic substance widest spectrum (broadest spectrum) is considered more potent against antimicrobial when compared to other common antiseptics such as alcohol, chlorhexidine, clonidine, polyhexanide, and hexetidine. Povidone-iodine is also alleged to effectively kill bacteria spores, fungi, protozoa, and some viruses.

Oh yes, when the air-rinse and gargle should not the origin or carelessly. In order to rinse for oral health benefits you can feel as comfortable as possible, consider the following steps:

  • Although mouthwash you buy already includes glass gargle in the package, it would not hurt you to provide your own glasses special rinses clean. This method is considered safer to avoid the spread of bacteria.

  • Fill the glass with solution gargling mouthwash taste.

  • Drinking a small amount of the liquid (do not swallow) and gargle until blended. Keep the front and side of the mouth rinse liquid.

  • Tengadahkan head backward 45 degrees, open your mouth and exhale through the mouth so that the sound of "ahh". Try to keep a small valve at the back of the throat (epiglottis) is closed so that no liquid rinse is accidentally swallowed. Air-gargle will coat the back of the mouth with the liquid, eliminating Vitus, bacteria, and fungi, and relieve sore throats.

  • Finally, rinse the waste liquid in the mouth. After that continue cleaning the teeth by brushing or using dental floss (dental floss).

In addition to good oral health and teeth, rinsed and air-gargle can also be done to relieve a variety of symptoms such as inflammation throat, sore throat, itchy throat, pharyngitis, tonsillitis (tonsillitis), to prevent the formation of tonsil stones. For these diseases, mouthwash used is the saline solution. The solution is obtained by mixing ½-1 teaspoon salt to a glass of warm water.

Mouthwash can actually help prevent tooth decay, but do not ever immediately rinse immediately after brushing teeth. Nor should eat or drink after using a mouthwash with fluoride, at least during the first 30 minutes. Oh yes, if you have children under 6 years old, do not provide alcohol-based mouthwash as prone swallowed.

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