Be Informed and Live Wall From United Kingdom


Albumin is the main protein found in human blood. Regulate the osmotic pressure in the blood is a major function of the protein produced by the liver organ. Albumin balance needed to keep the liquid contained in the blood does not leak into body tissues.

Albumin drug has similar functionality to a natural protein produced by our bodies. The drug is administered in patients with hypoalbuminemia or albumin deficiency. Conditions of low levels of albumin in the blood generally indicate a disorder in kidney and liver performance, the existence of an inflammatory process, or in people who suffer from malnutrition.

Administration of albumin should be performed by a physician or medical personnel because the drug is only available in the form of infusion solutions.


  • For women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should only use drugs albumin if there is advice from a doctor.

  • Please be careful for the elderly or who suffer from congestive heart failure, pulmonary edema, severe anemia, renal impairment, chronic cirrhosis, hypoproteinemia, as well as chronic nephrosis.

  • If an allergic reaction or overdose, call your doctor immediately.

Dose albumin

Albumin can only be administered intravenously. Therefore, the dose will be determined by the doctor based on the medical condition of each patient with careful monitoring.

Albumin Eating Right

Albumin should be given the correct dosage according to the needs of patients, so it must be given by a medical officer on the advice and monitoring of physicians.
Note albumin package contents before use. Albumin fluid should be clear and without particles. Do not use if the liquid has changed color, contains particles, or containers to leak. Ask the medical staff to provide new ones.

Identify Side Effects and Hazards Albumin

Just as medicine in general, albumin also has side effects. Some side effects that may occur when the drug is given is not in accordance with the specific conditions of each patient includes:

  • Urticaria.

  • Fever.

  • Thirsty.

  • The sensation of heat, sweating, and palpitations (hot flushes).

  • Increased blood pressure.

  • Headache.

  • Nausea and vomiting.

  • Increased heart rate (tachycardia) or decreased (bradycardia).

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